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The Spa

15 Benefits of Spa Treatments

We all know that getting a massage or sitting in a steam bath feels really good. But you may not know that there are plenty of spa benefits to these treatments that contribute to your physical and mental health. Getting regular spa treatments can be an integral part of a wellness routine, helping you to feel happier, more energetic, and more care-free. You’ll also look your best!

Blue Lake Casino is pleased to offer a variety of pampering treatments at The Spa, ranging from different types of massage to facials, beauty treatments, and more. Whether you are a local looking to get some regular self-care or you are a visitor looking to treat yourself, the expert professionals at The Spa are ready to treat you.

Spa Benefits

Numerous studies have been performed on the benefits of massage, sauna baths, and other popular spa treatments, proving their benefits for overall health and wellness. So if you are looking for a good reason to go get that massage you’ve been putting off or to indulge in a long steam bath, consider these far-reaching spa benefits to a range of spa treatments:

1. Boosts Immune System

Many spa treatments can stimulate your immune system or help it work better, resulting in a stronger response against viruses and bacteria that will reduce your frequency for illness. Massage therapy improves circulation so that waste is more easily flushed out, nutrients are better absorbed, and your immune cells can respond more quickly – all of which help strengthen your immune system. Spending time in the sauna stimulates your immune system, helping it to better fight illness. These are just a couple examples of different spa treatments that can boost your immune system.

2. Anti-Aging

Anti-aging is one of many spa benefits. A large variety of spa treatments have anti-aging benefits. Getting regular facials can improve blood flow to your face, improve your skin tone, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Massage can also improve blood flow, giving you a healthy glow. Of course, treatments like microneedling and laser therapy, which are designed to treat facial skin, can make your skin tighter and improve its tone and texture.

3. Releases Toxins

Any spa treatment that improves circulation is going to release toxins. The improved blood flow will help carry out waste more quickly. Any kind of massage treatment can help to relieve toxins, including traditional back massage, as well as a foot massage or facial massage. Sauna or steam therapy can also release toxins through the skin. With the release of toxins, you will not only feel better, but your skin will also look better, too.

4. Better Sleep

Most spa treatments will have a positive impact on your sleep, an important spa benefit, because they help you to feel relaxed, and when you feel less tension, you’re able to sleep easier and more deeply. Massage rises to the top of spa treatments for sleep benefits. It can relieve tension deep in your muscles and fascia, giving you total body release for long-lasting sleep benefits. However, even a good foot massage, time in the steam, or a facial can help you feel better and, therefore, sleep better.

5. Pain Relief

Much of what causes the pain we feel everyday is muscle tension brought on by poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or chronic stress. Spa treatments like massage therapy and sauna can help to relieve tension that will result in pain relief. To get the maximum pain relief benefit, regular massage or sauna treatment is needed. Your treatment specialist can help you develop the right plan for your needs. Always let your massage therapist know if you have any injuries or chronic pain conditions.

6. Boost Confidence

Boosting your confidence is a significant spa benefit. Many spa facial treatments can take years off your appearance and can also make your skin look better than it ever has, bringing out your inner glow and beauty by tightening the skin, improving its texture, and improving your overall complexion. When you look in the mirror, you’ll feel more confident, and you’ll bring that confidence into the workplace, when you meet new people, or when you’re taking on other challenges.

7. Helps Weight Loss

It can seem so difficult to lose weight, sometimes. Though you may think you need to beat yourself up in the gym to drop those pounds, you may be surprised that a relaxing spa treatment can actually help. Treatments like massage and sauna that improve circulation can help your body work more effectively, boosting your metabolism and giving you more energy to exercise. Other treatments, like CoolSculpting, target your fat and help to eliminate it without you ever having to exercise.

8. Helps Destress

Helping destress is of many spa benefits, and has a positive influence on your life. Massage therapy, facials, sauna, and other spa treatments can all help you to destress. They can increase feel-good hormones like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, and they can counteract the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone. And when you destress, you also feel more calm and sleep better, creating a positive feedback loop that fights against further stress. The more of these treatments you get on a regular basis, the better you will feel.

9. Increased Flexibility

Massage does not have to be just for your back. Full-body massage helps to relieve tension wherever you have it. When you relieve that tension, your muscles have a fuller range of motion, which can improve your flexibility. With improved flexibility, you’ll be able to exercise more and get stronger, as well.

10. Headache Relief

Chronic stress and tension can cause recurring headaches. By getting spa treatments that help you relieve tension and reduce stress, you can address the underlying cause of the headaches and get relief. Massage, sauna, and facials can all help with this tension and stress reduction. Remember to bolster your efforts with lifestyle changes like drinking more water and getting more sleep, as well.

11. Serotonin Release

Serotonin is one of the feel-good hormones in your body. It gives you a sense of well-being, and its steady presence can help ward against depression. Massage therapy and other spa treatments stimulate the nervous system, which releases serotonin and improves your mood, both in the short and long term. Regular spa treatments can make this a long-lasting spa benefit. However, if you have a more serious mood disorder or mental health issue, it is important to work with a mental health therapist in addition to any self-care treatment you get.

12. Lowers Blood Pressure

Massage therapy helps to improve circulation and reduce the impacts of stress, both of which can help to lower your blood pressure and protect your heart health. Massage can also help you lose weight, which can further lower your blood pressure. Work closely with your massage therapist to develop a treatment plan, and always let the therapist know if you have any heart conditions.

13. Improves Hair Health

Massage isn’t just for your back. Scalp massage can also feel amazing, and it can help you to relax and give you the same boost of feel-good hormones. In addition, scalp massage can improve blood flow to the area, which can help your hair grow in thicker and healthier. If you’re looking for a shiny, healthy mane, try getting a regular scalp massage.

14. Dopamine Release

Dopamine is another essential neurotransmitter for mental health. Dopamine helps you to feel energized and motivated, and provides mental clarity. Regular massage treatments of any kind can help to release dopamine, making it a common spa benefit. Other treatments that stimulate your nervous system can also release dopamine, such as facials and other hands-on treatments. The more frequently you get these treatments, the greater the benefits will be.

15. Quality Time with Loved Ones

Finally, getting spa treatments can also give you an excuse to spend quality time with loved ones. You do not have to schedule a massage or facial just for yourself. Ask your partner to join you for a couple’s massage, or ask your best friend to get a facial or manicure together. You can get spa treatments with your mother, your sister, your daughter, or anyone else who’d like to have a relaxing treatment that makes them feel good. If you spring for the treatment, it will be a double treat for your loved one!

Relax at The Spa at Blue Lake Casino Hotel

There are many benefits to getting regular spa treatments – besides the fact that these treatments just make you feel good and can even help you look your best. Visit The Spa at Blue Lake Casino Hotel to enjoy these spa benefits by scheduling a treatment for yourself. We offer a range of treatments, including multiple types of massage therapy, facials, infrared sauna, hot stone therapy, and more. We also offer a number of beauty treatments, including botox injections, fillers, CoolSculpting, laser hair removal, tanning, and more. We also offer eyelash extensions, permanent makeup, and laser treatments. Check out our full menu of services, and schedule your appointment today. Our spa treatment providers are also able to work closely with you to determine the right treatment plan to meet your goal. Call us today to get started!

Make a Spa Appointment